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WellSpace’s ‘Crib’ program provides temporary alternative to hospital or jail for unhoused people in
WellSpace Health CEO Jonathan Porteus was walking toward his organization’s 24-hour crisis receiving center at 7th and H streets in ...
Jun 1, 20234 min read

An AI chatbot may be your next therapist. Will it actually help your mental health?
In the past few years, 10,000 to 20,000 apps have stampeded into the mental health space
May 22, 20234 min read

Companies are shedding office space — and it may be killing small businesses
ames Wallace Sears has more shoes at his repair shop these days than he knows what to do with.
May 18, 20233 min read

Old age, more than just a number; life still exist thereafter, but senior services don't say experts
People are living longer these days; a more transparent discussion about aging can diminish older ethnic adults from living and dying alone.
Apr 6, 202311 min read
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