SAN DIEGO, CA --Master Chief Othan 'Nate' Mondy, Region 1 Commander, NABVETS, Inc., died Monday May 29, 2017, in Louisiana.
Master Chief Mondy served as Command Master Chief of the USS Kitty Hawk and was the 1st Force Master Chief to visit the bottom of the world. Retiring in 1992, after 32 years of service to the United States Navy Master Chief Mondy has received numerous Navy commendations, awards, and recognitions.
On February 4, 2012, Master Chief Mondy was installed as the Commander of the California State Command Council.
Funeral Service Information
Viewing: Tuesday June 13, 2017, San Diego Funeral Services 6334 University Ave San Diego, CA 92115-619-280-0101.
Final Viewing: Wednesday June 14, 2017, 10 am final viewing Master Chief Othan 'Nate' Mondy, USN (Ret), NABVETS, Inc. Region 1 Commander, Linda Vista Second Baptist Church 2706 Kornik Ave. San Diego, CA 92111
Funeral: Wednesday June 14, 2017, 11 am Funeral Linda Vista Second Baptist Church 2706 Kornik Ave., San Diego, CA 92111
For Additional details contact San Diego Funeral Services.