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Black peace officers and former inmate create a bonding image in art at African-American Museum exhi

FRESNO, CA --The opening reception this past weekend at the African-American Historical & Cultural Museum of the San Joaquin Valley (AAHCMSJV) proved to be a spectacle of irony, filled with life lessons, being grateful, and new beginnings.

The reception was a precursor to the exhibit, A tribute to Jack Kelley and the African-American Law Enforcement Officers of the Central Valley also featuring former inmate artist Marion Meux.

Artist Meux told a compelling story of his incarceration, expressing how gracious he was for the experience that held him 41 years behind bars to learn life lessons and to allow his creative talent to flow through his expressive art--he had never painted a day in life prior to his incarceration.

Meux's artwork has been featured nationwide for its brilliant honesty in accentuating soft details and the emotion of the moment, as each painting tells a story relevant to his experiences in his life.

Also highlighted for their dedication to the community and going above and beyond their job duties included peace officers Captain Phil Cooley, Lt. Ronald Hayes and Marianne "Tiny" Burks. Each of them humbly spoke about their passion to be the solution in the community and continuing to strive to bridge the communication gap between our black youth and police officers.

The public and AAHCMSJV members are welcome to view the exhibit until the end of July.

For event highlights, watch exclusive video on the ONME Network.

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