FRESNO, CA – Instead of flipping the switch to light bulbs on the tree, the African-American Museum will be lighting the first candle in celebration of Umoja – Swahili for unity; the first day of Kwanzaa.
Kwanzaa is a week-long celebration full of festivity, family, culture and heritage leading into the New Year. The celebration honors African heritage in African-American culture through seven core values represented each day, from Dec. 26 – Jan. 1.
First celebrated in 1967, Dr. Maulana Karenga created the holiday to bring the black community back to their American heritage combined with their African roots.
In recognition of over 50 years of Kwanzaa, the African American Historical & Cultural Museum is hosting the Kwanzaa series every night at 6:00 PM to celebrate Umoja (unity), Kujchangulia (self-determination), Ujima (collective work and responsibility), Ujamaa (cooperative economics), Nia (purpose), Kuumba (creativity) and Imani (faith).
Community leaders and groups will host workshops and a series of events for the community to be involved in along with keynote speakers and organizations:
Tues Dec 26- Joseph Mannings: The Right Away Agent
Wed Dec 27-Maxie Parks: 1976 Olympian Gold Medalist
Thurs Dec 28- Ujimaa Academy & Pan African Student Union
Fri Dec 29- Julia Najieb: Board Chair of the African American Historical and Cultural Museum
Sat Dec 30- Dr Reshale Thomas(Dr of Psychology) & Dr Regina Banks(Psychotherapist & Professor at Fresno Pacific University)
Sun Dec 31 -- Open Mic & Community Potluck Feast
Mon Jan 1- Minister Bobbie Parks-Gains of True African American Heritage Church of God
The community is invited to come to the African-American Museum located at 1857 Fulton St. at 6:00 PM from Dec. 26th – Jan. 1st. For more information, call: 559-544-1857 or visit the website at www.aahcmsv.org.