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Census results of forgotten hard-to-count populations could be far worse due to technology divide

A map of hard-to-count populations shows African-Americans in the Central Valley in the highest HTC Index percentile

Watch video to understand more about the census hard-to-count data.

The California 2020 Census has modernized its approach to collecting data from residents throughout the state. In fact, the process has streamlined funding to reach traditionally hard-to-count populations missed in the last census in 2010 such as: immigrants, low income, LGBTQ, Children 0-5, non-fluent English speakers, Young and mobile, homeless and low visibility housing, undocumented and racial minorities.

But it is duly noted that African-Americans were undercounted by an estimated 800,000 people across the United States.

The California hard-to-count index is based on multiple demographic, housing and socioeconomic variables correlated with an area being difficult to enumerate. Fresno County’s percentile is 53, Kern 51, and Tulare 64, all considered to be rather high percentiles according to the median California HTC index, 37. These areas will pose significant challenges to enumerate for the 2020 Census.

African-Americans who reside in Tulare county are in the 73 to 95 HTC index, Kern county, 79-100 HTC index, Fresno County, 78 to 108 index, and the highest is Kings county, 78-122 HTC index.

The purpose of the census is to ensure fair representation of all individuals residing in California and that they are counted, with no other strings attached. Although it is expected as a civic duty for those who live here, it also entails determining funding for much-needed public services in specific communities, determines California’s number of elected representatives, and redistricting if necessary. African-Americans could benefit from funding of these services by simply being counted.


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