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News Too Real: AB 3121 Task Force reveals evidence of structural racism in CA housing and education

By ONME Newswire

In this episode of News Too Real, producer host, Julia Dudley Najieb, reviews the fourth meeting of the AB 3121 Reparations Task Force who met October 12 and 13. Dudley Najieb reviews day one in a three-part series, highlighting excerpts of the panelist speakers' presented research, identified as "testimony" by the AB 3121 Task Force. Panel topics included: Housing & Education Segregation; Environmental Racism.

AB 3121 charges the Reparations Task Force with studying the institution of slavery and its lingering negative effects on living African Americans, including descendants of persons enslaved in the United States and on society. Additionally, the Task Force will recommend appropriate remedies of compensation, rehabilitation, and restitution for African Americans, with a special consideration for descendants of persons enslaved in the United States. By statute, the Task Force will issue a report to the Legislature by June 1, 2022, which will be available to the public.

Stephen Menendian, J.D. talks about the wealth gap and the root of structural racism in housing and its indefinite end. Most importantly he points out the responsibility of the government's who kept the structurally racist practices going for decades through discriminatory laws they set in place.

College student, Kawika Smith, who is 19, talks about the structural racism embedded in the standardized testing process for graduating high school students trying to get into college. He also discusses other racial barriers for students once they get into colleges and universities.

The public can view presentations below here.



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