Producer host Julia Dudley Najieb recaps on the latest news headlines featured and their updates
By ONME Newswire
News Too Real April 2, 2022: In episode 4 of season 4, producer host Julia Dudley Najieb reviews this past week's news headlines featured in the News Too Real podcast shows.
News Too Real Podcast 3-30-22 Headlines:
In March 2022, an ice shelf in East Antarctica did both. The collapse has reshaped a part of the Antarctic landscape where coastal glacial ice was once thought to be stable.
The change happened fast. At the start of March 2022, the floating shelf fed by the Glenzer and Conger glaciers was still intact. By the middle of the month, it had fallen apart. This image pair (above), acquired by the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8, shows the shelf before and after it disintegrated.
“The whole shelf collapsed in just around two weeks,” said Christopher Shuman, a University of Maryland, Baltimore County, glaciologist based at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. The icy remnants of both glacial shelf ice and adjacent sea ice dispersed from the waters around Bowman Island within weeks. “All of this took less than a month,” Shuman said. “It was quite the blowout.”
Lawmakers in California are continuing the discussion on reparations but still can’t seem to figure out who should qualify for the compensation. Some lawmakers say reparations should only be given to descendants of enslaved people. Others, however, say all Black people in the U.S. should be compensated for the ramifications of slavery, regardless of lineage or despite how much they suffered from systemic racism in housing, education and employment. While reparations have been discussed around the country, California is the only state that has made progress in the legislation, CBS News reports. In 2020, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation to create the two-year reparations task force, which aims to study the consequences of slavery and educate the public about its research.
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences said that Will Smith was asked to leave to Sunday’s Oscars after hitting Chris Rock but refused.
Many have questioned why Smith was allowed to remain seated front row at the Academy Awards after the incident. On Wednesday, the academy suggested that it attempted to remove the actor from the audience.
The academy’s board of governors met Wednesday to initiate disciplinary proceedings against Smith for violations against the group’s standards of conduct. The academy said Smith has the opportunity to defend himself in a written response before the board meets again on April 18. The academy said disciplinary action for Smith could include suspension, expulsion or other sanctions.
News Too Real Podcast 3-31-22 Headlines:
Hampton University recently announced it would be offering free tuition, room and board to 50 to 100 Ukrainian and international students studying in the European country due to the ongoing war and devastation.
While some people celebrated the move, not everyone was warm to the idea. Some in Black America questioned Hampton’s motives, while others pointed out the racism many African students said they experienced when trying to flee Ukraine.
It was revealed on March 30 that both Apple and Facebook parent company, Meta, were duped by child hackers impersonating law enforcement officers last year, according to a report from Bloomberg. The two companies allegedly responded to emergency data requests from customers and unwittingly provided personal information such as addresses, phone numbers and even IP addresses of customers with these unknown parties in the process.
The group behind the phony emergency requests were believed to be minors located in the U.S. and U.K., with one reported to be aligned with one of two hacking groups, known as Recursion Team or Lapsus$. Lapsus$ is a South America-based collective rumored to be behind cyberattacks against tech companies like Microsoft, Samsung and Nvidia. It is still unknown at this time whether Lapsus$ or Recursion Team were behind the impersonation of law enforcement.
Los Angeles County is opening a new front in the war on poverty, offering $1,000 a month for the next three years to 1,000 people in its poorest neighborhoods, housed or unhoused, citizens or not, to spend however they see fit.
In the country’s most populous county, where 25% of the children live in poverty, the guaranteed income program, named “Breathe,” is the largest, longest-lasting one yet in the United States.
It’s funded by 2021’s federal American Rescue Plan Act. Attached to it is a confidential research component, funded by The California Endowment, seeking a “sweet spot” of maximum effectiveness for future programs.
Applications open March 31 and close April 13.
News Too Real Podcast 4-1-22 Headlines:
Anti-poverty charity Oxfam warns that average or below-average rains March-May will push up to 20 million people into severe food insecurity in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia. Up to eight million more people are expected to go hungry in South Sudan, which is facing a fifth consecutive year of severe flooding.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is making things worse by impeding the wheat trade. The two countries account for about a quarter of the world’s wheat exports. That includes the supply of around 90% of East Africa’s imported wheat.
Wheat accounts for a third of the average national cereal consumption in East Africa, 84% of which is met by imports. Wheat prices have soared 80% since the invasion and further disruption is expected.
US House of Representatives on Friday (April 1) cleared a bill to decriminalize marijuana. If the bill is okayed by the Senate and signed by President Biden, it will eliminate punishments for providing or possessing the drug.
The Democrats' Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act would remove its categorization alongside heroin and cocaine as a dangerous controlled narcotic under federal laws mandating tough sentences.
Cannabis is one of the fastest-growing industries in the United States, with sales hitting $25 billion in 2021, according to influential cannabis website Leafly, and projected to reach $40.5 billion by 2025.
K’aun Green underwent emergency surgery for gunshot wounds to his arm, abdomen and leg after the 20-year-old football player was struck by gunfire unleashed by San Jose police responding to brawl in La Victoria Taqueria in downtown San Jose, Calif.
Green as a freshman at Contra Costa University played defensive lineman and linebacker on the Comets football team. He was also a three-time state football champion at McClymonds High School in Oakland.
Green was shot with a ghost gun, handmade by a felon who picked a fight with Greene inside of the restaurant. His civil rights attorney, Adante Pointer, said his client, Greene, was assaulted and is a victim, not an assailant.
The officer who shot him is on standard administrative leave. He has been an officer for four years. His name has not been released.
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