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ONME Local Profile: City of Fresno Mayor Jerry Dyer, 'One Fresno' is going to take some work

By ONME Newswire

In this episode of ONME Local Profiles, producer host, Julia Dudley Najieb, interviews City of Fresno Mayor Jerry Dyer after his first 100 days in office. Dyer talks about the programs happening throughout the City to "Beautify Fresno," one neighborhood at a time. Mayor Dyer also talks about the journey we will all have to take to become "one Fresno."

Mayor Dyer reflected on the historical"legal covenants" in housing that have affected the wealth of people of color who were red-lined into one area neighborhood of the city; this especially affected African-Americans in Southwest Fresno. He discussed the emphasis now on upgrading Southwest Fresno area with bike lanes, parks, and a new college campus for residents in the area. Mayor Dyer and District 3 Councilman Miguel Arias recently had a press conference to talk about the new solar farm being placed in the area which will help residents reduce their PG & E bills by 20%; the solar farm will also produce jobs along with training, specifically for residents who live in the area.

Mayor Dyer also talked about Project Off-Ramp which is a program to help the homeless who were living dangerously near the freeways, instead giving them a safe place to stay. Mayor Dyer talked about the Beautify Fresno Project which is cleaning one neighborhood at a time with the help of volunteer residents.

Watch Mayor Jerry Dyer also on CMAC TV channels via The ONME Network this week [Comcast Channel 93 and AT & T Channel 99]: Monday & Tues: 5:30 PM; Wed. & Thurs: 9:30 AM and Friday: 7:00 PM



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