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ONME Quick News Bits for Fresno 5-27-22: City council members propose Measure V to help veterans

By ONME Newswire

FRESNO,CA--During a press conference Wednesday at The Fresno Memorial Auditorium, located on 2425 Fresno St. in Fresno, CA, councilpersons, Miguel Arias, Luis Chavez and Nelson Esparza proposed Measure V to fund services and improvements for facilities used by local veterans.

The auditorium was built in 1935; asbestos is still in the walls of the facility. The HVAC system is in a makeshift status--hence, the reason why the building is unable to cool during Fresno's extraordinarily hot summer season. Measure V would supersede Measure P expenditure restrictions dedicated specifically for parks. For instance, the expensive restructuring of the antiquated, historical auditorium can utilize Measure P funds to fix the structures in and outside the building: uprooted flooring, asbestos, slipping roof tiles and replacement of original electrical work. It will cost millions of dollars just to fix the building; yet, veterans still need personal services and housing.

Although it would cause an incremental tax raise for city of Fresno residents, 1/8th of a penny, Measure V, would generate $9.8 million per year, providing a permanent revenue source for veteran services and facilities for such needs as housing, transportation and mental health services, to name a few.


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