By ONME Newswire
ONME News Review (ONR) producer and host, Julia Dudley Najieb, reviewed Ethnic Media Service media briefing from earlier this month concerning the uptick in domestic violence in California due to the COVID-19 stay-at-home strict orders; experts addressed the factors leading to the increasing rates of this type of violence:
Dr. Ravi Chandra is a psychiatrist, distinguished fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, and author of "Asian American Anger: It's a Thing." He discussed some of the cultural factors inherent to domestic violence.
HaNhi L. Tran is a deputy district attorney in the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office; she discussed restrictions and process in Criminal Court for domestic violence
victims and their abusers.
Johanna Thai Van Dat is a staff attorney at Santa Clara County’s Family Law Facilitator’s Office/Self Help Center who discussed the Family Court’s restrictions because of the rise in COVID cases, which is important for victims and the community at large to know as they try to obtain civil DV restraining orders and other emergency orders.
Fawn Jade Korr is a senior staff attorney in the San Francisco office of Bay Area Legal Aid who discussed why law enforcement and the legal system often fail victims of
domestic violence.
Hard-number stats on the uptick of this type of violence are usually skewed due to factors concerning a victim's race and gender, according to the featured experts.
From fear of homelessness to fear of lack of trust in the judicial system, experts have found that the system of justice has failed victims of color; African-American women are often afraid to call the police for fear of pre-judgement and lack of help from the court system, (watch above for more insight.)
From the Blackburn Center:
More than 40% of Black women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime, according to the Institute of Women’s Policy Research’s Status of Black Women in the United States. In comparison, 31.5% of all women will experience domestic violence. A report from the National Center for Victims of Crime found that 53.8% of Black women had experienced psychological abuse, while 41.2% of Black women had experienced physical abuse.
More disturbingly, Black women are 2.5 times more likely to be murdered by men than white women. In the overwhelming majority of these cases — 92% — the person who killed them knew their victim. 56% of these homicides were committed by a current or former intimate partner. Nearly all —92% — of these killings were intra-racial, which means that they were committed by a Black man against a Black woman.
Dudley Najieb revealed the Central Valley Region Domestic Violence Organization's map and resource guide for anyone experiencing domestic violence in their home right now; Fresno County Superior Courts has a detailed listing and explanation defining domestic violence, the victim, the abuser, and the victim's story that she later reviewed with the listening audience.
Watch or listen to the above podcast to get more information on the court process, restraining orders, a victim's options, and other temporary coping methods during the COVID-19 era.

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