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ONR Elec. 2020 Pt. 6: Host reviews electoral college and Prop 22 shortfalls with expert Tucker

Do people truly understand the Electoral College process for the presidential elections?

By ONME Newswire

People are displaying their passions for the 2020 Presidential Elections in various ways; from personal insults to verbal online attacks, the viciousness of the race may not be warranted if voters truly understand the process of the Electoral College and how a U.S. citizen can become president in the first place--local votes hold more weight and importance, according to ONME News Review (ONR) host, Julia Dudley Najieb.

In this episode, Najieb breaks down the process, followed by an in-depth discussion with expert political guest host Michael Tucker about Proposition 22 and its shortfalls for app-based workers.


Watch Michael Tucker's views on the California Propositions:


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Review 2020 Propositions Endorsed by ONME News



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