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ONR: Host recaps on Voter's Choice Act and city of Fresno seven mayoral candidates

FRESNO, CA--Back on the air after about a month, winter hiatus, ONME News Review host Julia Dudley Najieb tackled two key issues on the minds of African-American voters: How to vote through the new Voter's Choice Act and which mayoral candidate out of the seven is the best choice for the city of Fresno.

With the primary election new date of March 3, voters are still acclimating with the changes that may not have dawned on them yet: voters will now have several days before the primary election date to vote; on February 22, 11-day vote centers open. Vote-by-mail ballots have already been mailed out to people as of Feb. 3, which can be dropped off at the vote centers throughout Fresno County. On February 4 the ballot drop boxes opened for such drop offs.

Dudley Najieb reviewed the backgrounds of the seven mayoral candidates, giving listeners and viewers tips on what to look for in choosing their next mayor.

Other important dates related to voting:

February 17, 2020: Last day to register for this election

February 18, 2020 to March 3, 2020: Conditional Voter Registration period

February 22, 2020: Eleven-day Vote Centers open

February 25, 2020: Last day to request a vote-by-mail ballot

February 29, 2020: All Vote Centers open March 3, 2020: Election Day (7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.)

March 6, 2020: Last day to receive vote-by-mail ballot postmarked no later than March 3, 2020

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