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ONR: Understand the upcoming California propositions for the 2020 Presidential Election

By ONME Newswire

As the 2020 Presidential Elections are swiftly approaching, California has mailed out ballots statewide as of October 5, as they encourage people to turn in their ballots early before the November 3 election day.

Registered voters can track their ballots through the entire process by signing up for Where's My Ballot? and see the ballot transactions in real time. October 19th is the final day to register to vote easily online.

ONME News Review (ONR) host Julia Dudley Najieb is doing an ONR "News Too Real" series, 2020 Elections: California Propositions to explain and help voters identify potential laws that will affect Black constituents throughout California.


Watch California Sec. of State Alex Padilla who answered questions about voting in California during COVID-19 Era


ONR host Najieb started off part one of the series by answering questions asked to ONME News concerning why President Barack Obama left so many judicial appointments open for President Donald Trump, and is President Donald Trump the most racist president in history. Najieb continued with analyzing the first set of propositions.

Najieb plans to continue the series with more information to viewers on partisan and non-partisan races throughout California, until October 19.

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