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Op-Ed: San Quentin name change is not going to make it better, nor is following the Norwegian model

By Donald Ray Young

Donald R. Young

From the commentator:  I, Donald Ray Young, am an innocent man, wrongfully convicted, erroneously sentenced to death in the state of California.  I have been illegally incarcerated for three decades.  Astonishingly, in this struggle for life, I will not be broken.  With a paralegal degree in hand, I study law to assist with this long, overdue exoneration.


Donald R. Young advocates for the underserved and undervalued in this throw-away society.  For people who have been silenced by fear and oppression, he is their voice.  He refuses to allow a wrongful conviction to define him.  He is much more than fragments of a fatally flawed justice system.  He appreciates the value of higher education and earned five associate degrees while searching for an opportunity to pursue his bachelor’s degree and beyond.


As sand slips through his hands, he stays motivated.  Donald looks to painting and poetry for self-expression.  Conscious of the struggle, he remains optimistic about the future.


San Quentin Plantation Paradigm using the Norwegian Model as a templet, San Quentin State Prison wants to be the model gulag for California, the nation, and beyond.  This comes with a sticker price of $380 million, which was rejected by the state legislature.  It’s the oldest prison in California—abolition is the answer.  Changing the name to San Quentin Rehabilitation Center, building, a better plantation has never been a good position for Black people in America.  If we are truly transforming prisons in California, let’s transform them into extinction.  A transformed prison is still a plantation.


“Our most difficult and urgent challenge to date is that of creatively exploring new terrains of justice where the prison no longer serves as our major anchor,” --Angela Davis


If we can’t abolish prisons, we must chip away at the prison industrial complex.  California Governor Gavin Newsom’s prions reform is historically more politically courageous than his predecessors.  Dismantling San Quentin’s death chamber and placing a moratorium on all executions is evolutionary.  Making calls free for California prisoners in progress.  Positive reform must equal permanent reform; political winds fluctuate.  I advocate against wrongful convictions, and for the human rights of incarcerated people.


If the 95,000 California state prisoners could vote like the Norwegian prisoners, that would be transformative.  We must reform society as well; systemic racism saturates every segment of America.  This includes the criminal justice system that populates prisons.


Reimagine what real prison reform looks like in 2021:  Is it this tablet with free calling to connect with invisible friends and family, who’ve moved on over the decades?  What is the plan for ending custody staffs’ toxic culture of systemic racism, violence, and abuse?  Overseeing the overseers and correcting the correctional officers—that’s evolutionary.


San Quentin does not provide safe drinking water for prisoners.  Recycled sewage water pushes through their 1852 year-old pipes; staff buy bottled water.  Non-contaminated drinking water is a basic human necessity.


As a few of the 34 state prisons slowly close across California, the prison budget continues to grow.  The entities and individuals who fest on the prison economy, will resist true prison reform—this is their cash cow.  We don’t need pretty prisons; we need less incarceration.  Let’s invest in people, not prisons.  When one of two state prisons in Susanville was slated for closure, the town protested.  They sued to stay in bed with the prison industrial complex.  They lost.  Sectors of society in California subsist off this plantation economy.  We can’t have real reform when prisons are viewed as profit-making mechanisms.


Prisons in the United States stem from slave plantations.  Humane plantations and perfect prisons don’t exist.  Racism is at the heart of American prisons.  Slavery continues to be legal in prisons, pursuant to the 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution.  Over incarceration of Black and Brown bodies fill these inhumane spaces.  At 2.3 million, America cages 25 percent of the world’s prisoners with only 4.4 percent of the world’s population.  The U. S. is number one in mass incarceration.


The last of us, 500 death-row prisoners must be disappeared from the San Quentin Rehabilitation Center this year.  This transition helps justify the new name and cleanse the death-row stigma—the irony of having death sentenced prisoners at your, “California Model,” that will lead the nation.


The Norwegian Model works for Norway, as it should.  Norwegian prison guards are actually trained in social work and psychology.  California prison guards only need a high school diploma.  Norway doesn’t have the death penalty, LWOP or life sentence.  And the Norwegian prisoners are mostly Caucasian.  In America, we start with a stolen continent, genocide, enslavement, and Jim Crow Laws, we were legally less than human.  History and culture cannot be erased.  This is not Norway.


“We’ve all been acculturated into accepting the inevitability of wrongful convictions, unfair sentences, racial bias, and racial disparities and discrimination against the poor.”-- Bryan Stevenson


I’ve suffered over 26 years of wrongful incarceration.  Where’s the transformation for this trauma?  Will it be included in the next gulag reform package? 


Squatting on this concrete couch, struggling for freedom, and abolitions, I’m making the best out of a wrongful conviction.  I’ve’ earned my paralegal degree along with five associate degrees.  Imagine eradicating wrongful convictions and allowing that be the California Model for the nation to follow.



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