Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Eta Rho Omega Chapter, San Jose, CA releases three scholarships for African-American, college-bound students
By ONME Newswire
The Ivy Rose Community Foundation, Inc. announces our 2022 Scholarship Program. We invite students to apply for scholarships to be presented by our organization in June 2022.
Application Requirements
o Student must be of African descent.
o Student applicants must have a minimum 2.5 grade point average and on target to graduate from a Santa Clara County comprehensive high school by June of 2022.
Application must include the following:
1. Completed Scholarship Application.
2. Optional: Verification of Community Service (virtual or in person)
3. Original Essay. maximum of two typed pages on the following topic: "The arc of the moral universe is long but bends toward justice." Dr. King.
4. Two reference letters: One from educator at your school; One from church, or community official. (non-relative).
5. Color Photo Headshot: Picture may be wallet size.
6. Official Transcript including semester grades through the first semester of the senior year of high school. This transcript must be submitted in your school’s official sealed envelope. Must be received via U.S. mail.
Applications received incomplete after the postmark deadline will not be considered.
All parts of the application, with the exception of the transcript, can be submitted via email. Applicants may be invited for an interview. Finalists will be publicly acknowledged in June.
Download scholarship packet below
To be eligible for the scholarship, you must:
1) Be African American
2) Have a grade point average between 2.0 –3.2
3) Reside in Santa Clara County
4) Plan full-time attendance at a 2- or 4-year college or university
The application must be postmarked by April 1, 2022 at the address listed in this application Award recipients will be notified by May 2022.
Download scholarship packet below
Step 1: Determine if you are eligible To be eligible for the scholarship, you must:
2) Be enrolled or have been accepted to a Two-year/Four-year college or vocational school
3) Be motivated to achieve your educational and career goals.
4) Reside in Santa Clara County
5) Be of African Descent
The application with one completed reference must be Post Marked by April 15, 2022 at the address listed on page 3. Award recipients will be notified by June 2022.