By ONME Newswire

FRESNO -- Starting in January 2024, the grassroots organization, West Fresno Family Resource Center (WFFRC), will be moving to its new location in downtown Fresno at the new address. 700 Van Ness Ave., Suite 201, Fresno, Ca 93721.
Although the move will cause the actual facility to be out of the Southwest Fresno community, WFFRC executive director, Yolanda Randles has assured the community that services will continue for West Fresno.
"While our move will lead us to the downtown area, WE ARE COMMITTED TO THE WEST FRESNO COMMUNITY, " stated Randles in the newsletter, "and we will continue to provide resources, services and events such as: Sweet Potato Project II, MediCal, CalFresh Enrollment, Case Management, Housing Support, Health Education, Senior Wellness, California ID, Weekly Food Distribution, Monthly Senior Food Distribution, Home Visitation, Easter Egg Hunt, Tea in the Garden, Breast Cancer Luncheon, Senior Symposium, Multi-Cultural Celebration, Family Reading Night, Family Matters Support Group, Fatherhood Support, Safe Night Out and the annual Back to School Health Fair."
Established in 2001, West Fresno Health Care Coalition (dba: WFFRC), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, has been serving residents of one of the poorest metropolitan communities in California’s Central Valley, Southwest Fresno and beyond. They have had a strong record of providing culturally and linguistically effective, neighborhood and community-based services to more than 5,000 people annually.
The WFFRC conducts outcome-based health improvement and illness prevention program activities through education, outreach, counseling and advocacy in the areas of prenatal education, school readiness, health insurance access, diabetes and chronic disease management, mental health, and workforce development support. The WFFRC has been a “one-stop shop” for community support services as well as programs providing access to academic, experimental learning, enrichment, recreational, and healthy lifestyle activities to broaden life experiences and well-being of disadvantaged Southwest Fresno youth and their families.

"We want to assure our residents that all our services will remain unchanged, and families will continue to receive the same level of care and support they have come to expect from us. The family resource center will continue to have a physical presence in West Fresno," stated Randles. "We are excited about this new chapter and look forward to serving residents from our new location."
Staff will be at the following locations during these dates and times.
Annadale Commons
1515 E. Annadale Ave, Fresno, CA 93706
Wednesdays, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
West Fresno Regional Center
142 E California Fresno, Ca 93706
Mondays, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Mary Ella Brown Community Center
1350 E Annadale Ave Fresno, Ca 93706
Thursdays, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
1st Tuesday of each month, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM